Custom podcast production and voice over services included everything you need to create a great podcast.
Interview recording and audio editing
Pre-interview planning and questions
All writing for scripts and ads
Pro voice-over, male and female
Original background music
Broadcast quality production
Coaching on mics, tech, setup and hosting
Samples of our Award-Winning Shows
Everyday MBA is ranked in the Top 1% of most popular podcasts globally
The Digital Transformation Podcast is ranked in the Top 5% of most popular podcasts​
Tripwire - Talking Cybersecurity
AIIM International - AIIM On Air
​Leadershape Global - Leadership Comes Alive
DST Health Solutions - DST Health Radio
Voice Over and Narration
Podcast Intro/Midroll/Outro
Podcast Intro/Outro
Podcast Intro, Outro, Promo
Radio Ad
Audio Book Narration
“Indisputably one of the best tech-focused podcasts, the Digital Transformation Podcast is extremely well produced and features prominent guests discussing high-level topics in digital transformation such as the Big Tech revolution.”
​– AgileDrop
“Kevin’s masterful conduct of the interviews on Everyday MBA makes it almost impossible to choose a favorite episode; you definitely can’t go wrong with starting out with the ones closest to your areas of interest.
​– Feedspot
“Kevin Craine is an extraordinary interviewer, host, and producer. Over the years, I’ve been fortunate enough to have been interviewed all over the world by leading journalists and broadcasters. No one provoked the insight, or had done the homework required for a terrific interview, like Kevin.”
​– Scott McKain, Best-Selling Author, Founder and CEO at Distinction Institute
“I’ve done many interviews since publishing my book and the person at the top of the list for preparation, style, depth of knowledge and flow of interesting conversation is Kevin. I trust him to make the time, effort and experience a win for all, especially the listeners. I highly recommend anyone trying to get a substantive message out to talk with Kevin.”
– Sean Geehan, Author of The B2B Executive Playbook
“I’ve been interviewed by dozens of TV and radio personalities. Kevin is, by far, one of the most professional interviewers I’ve had the honor of speaking with. If anyone needs podcast help in ANY way, listen to the professionalism, production quality and content and hire Kevin..”
– Doug Crowe, Best-Selling Author, Senior Journalist with Newswire